
Never Not Tuesday

| Anonymous

Wow, it’s scary how time moves. Sometimes your passing feels like it was only just yesterday, while other times it seems like almost a decade ago. I’ve changed a lot in the time since I last saw ya, Ryan. Even though it was only a brief meeting and I managed to make myself seem more awkward than I usually am. Nevertheless you made me feel important and took care to speak to me and address me. That was super cool and I’m beyond thankful for the sense of camaraderie I felt at PAX and the instances for when I was lucky enough to have my call answered during liveshows in the past.

Thanks, Ryan, for including me and giving me a sense of belonging amongst a group of people I happen to admire. Your attitude, composure, and enthusiasm were always infectious. It’s something I’ve grown to miss and I can only imagine how you’d react to all of us getting so sappy and sentimental over here. Thank you for everything you’ve done and the entertainment you’ve supplied me with over the years. You’ve always been one hell of a super cool guy and I hope that every day is the best Tuesday ever.
